Alla inlägg den 27 juni 2011

Av Luo Chen - 27 juni 2011 10:09
Although the email marketing software (Email marketing) of the process is relatively complex, and there are many variables, but you can still easily get successful email marketing. In this, Comm100 for your e-mail marketing, summed up the 10 reciprocity. Remember, if observed, must be harvested!

1 Make sure the link in the message clear
It is clear that the purpose of email marketing is to attract users to your landing page, product page or site up. If the recipient does not click the link in the message into your landing page or website, you can not be allowed to register or become your customers. So that they can click on the link method is very simple. As long as the highlights (such as capital) where the user might click on, while ensuring that multiple messages with a link (text of each paragraph contains at least one link) and make the link easy to identify. In addition, the use of strong call-to-call statement, or "click here" and imperative statements, can also help you increase your CTR.

Recommendation: Use email links to the best of many, and to ensure the link at a glance.

2 e-mail with pictures in as little as possible

In a previous article, we have discussed this issue in detail, but please always remember: e-mail messages are not printed. You have to take into account that many recipients may not see the picture, because the images in a message are generally not display properly, this picture messages will only waste space. Therefore, it is best to use standard HTML code to replace too many pictures. Also, please do not send only messages with a large map to the user, not to call the user action statements (such as "click here" or "now orders", etc.) on the picture.

Recommendation: caution pictures, e-mail using HTML to increase the beauty of nature, and do not use images to convey important information.

3. Unsubscribe easy

Allow users to exit your mailing list seems to go against your wishes, but there is no better way to prevent your mail from being marked as spam. Because when users can not find a link to unsubscribe from the mailing list, they will probably direct you mark a message as spam. Any user to your e-mail marked as spam e-mail service providers will be recorded, thus affecting the credibility of your mail and ultimately difficult to get your e-mail (not even reach) the Inbox.

Recommendation: Use the clear, obvious unsubscribe link in order to ensure that users can quickly exit from the list.

4. Always strictly abide by "Anti-Spam Law"
Before we elaborate on how to prevent being labeled as spam, and can not be delivered to your inbox the best way. Admittedly, e-mail marketing (Email Marketing Software) always must endeavor to comply with these steps. So, do not sell products directly to the user to send e-mail, just send an e-mail spam and strong, it is possible to make your future all mail in a few weeks, or months or even years can not reach the other side Inbox.

Recommendation: Even if your message can not be as effective as sales tools, but you have to be strictly observed to avoid all the steps marked as spam. Needless to say, this is the key to email marketing.

5. Try to limit e-mail template specifications
Make your user's inbox is not much space to convey information, and most users will use no image preview. So, make sure that HTML mail template does not exceed 600 pixels width, and to ensure accurate and clear value proposition, and should also ensure that starting from the top of the message at least 100 pixels has a link. While this is not a bright color at the top into the beautiful picture, but it can get better results. In addition, in the preview window at the top of the left or right to use the sidebar, so that users get more information.

Recommendation: message size should be 600 * 200 pixels or so, and no pictures. This specification is the final user to see the best results you e-mail specification.

6 Make sure to read the message short
Most users will not read the complete message, usually just glance at your e-mail to find content of interest to them. So make sure your e-mail brief refined (using the thin section), and bold colors highlight or use other key words of the customer. Text messages may be too many users to directly delete, spam filters can be directly filtered out.

Recommendation: Short Message refining better! Message content may give too much more traffic to websites, but does not enhance the e-mail marketing. Ensure that the message clear and concise, with some provocative statements and keywords, and highlight or bold the most important information.

7 regular clean-up mailing list

Spend time and energy to invalid e-mail address removed from the list can help you get better e-mail marketing. In the user registration, please e-mail address format error filtered out. Meanwhile, the first time can not be served, does not exist or inbox full of e-mail address removed from the list, this can help you get better e-mail marketing. If your mailing list contains a large number of invalid e-mail address, e-mail service providers will mark your mail as spam.

Recommendation: invalid regular e-mail address will be removed from the list may be more time-consuming, but it can improve the message delivery rate, so your e-mail Buzhi Yu was delivered to the trash.

8. The rational use of the prompt text, title text and image link properties
E-mail pictures to use too much wasted space, so to use pictures as much as possible into the code, this also give your e-mail marketing effectiveness points. Because different browsers on the prompt text and title text reads differently, so the inserted image code should also include the prompt text and title text (hint text and title text is displayed properly in the picture can not move the mouse or picture will be displayed when the text information). Should also ensure that all image links to link directly to your landing page or website.

Recommendation: Ensure that all reasonable picture coding, including the size of the picture, suggesting that the text, title text layout, etc. Also make sure the image links to link directly to your website or landing page.

9 e-mail sent before the test
Nothing found to send mail directly to the trash or Hotmail, Yahoo mail can not preview the message even more frustrating things. So before sending a message in large-scale, first in the major email service providers (such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail / Live / MSN and a variety of accounts using the Outlook client) to create an account there, the first of these accounts were sent to a test e-mail. If your mailing list also contains other mail service providers, also please add it to the test list. If you find any problems during the test, analyze your e-mail and will solve the problem, or mailing list in question partially removed.

Recommendation: Please test before the mass mailing and solve the problem. Test checks the message format and delivery rate.

10. Sending HTML e-mail at the same time, with a text message.

, We have explored the use of HTML messages or plain text message problem. Here, we recommend using HTML e-mail and text messages. At least choose to use HTML mail to the same time with a plain text message. Some people prefer to use plain text message, and now more and more people view the messages through mobile phones, and mobile phones generally only support plain text messages.

Recommendation: Remember to send HTML e-mail at the same time, with a plain text message.
Av Luo Chen - 27 juni 2011 10:03
Find the right message content
In the implementation of e-mail marketing (Email marketing) planning process, often encounter the question: "If every message is marketing the product directly, it will not cause customer dissatisfaction, simply do not look after my e-mail it? . " Then, probably will think of a logical problem, "but if my mail is purely informational, and customers will not read directly after the delete, and will not purchase any products?

Provide users with e-mail make them feel valuable content, and directly from the sales and earnings have a great challenge. To achieve both goals, you need to constantly and repeatedly tested. However, following a few basic concepts, may be able to help you improve email marketing performance.

User Why register your news letter? What they really want?
First, you need to ask yourself the question: "When the user registration Newsletter (Newsletter), you promised them what?" Column in the news letter registration, you have no commitment to send information to the user within a week? Promises to send them information or articles? The user is not because you promised to give them an additional discount on registration before you press the letter? A thumb is the most basic principles of user experience that users really want is you promised them. Therefore, if the customer registration information letter, you promised to send them a white paper or book, then you have to send these messages to them, in order to maintain the loyalty of your customers.

However, more importantly, the user really want to see what the content of the message? And you is how to define the content?
There are two ways to determine what users really want to see. First, you can create multiple mailing lists, as detailed below. Second, is to do a simple A / B testing, which requires you to change the e-mail subscription page (whether it is a separate landing page or your master on a module) to display at different times different view. The easiest way is to do some modifications in the week. Such as:

The first week, when the user registration information letter, sent them an email like "join us to enjoy how to be the secret of a happy person."
The second week, when the user registration information letter, sent them an e-mail so "to join us, you can enjoy monthly discounts on products."

Near the end of each week, subscribe by e-mail news letter with the total number divided by the total number of pages to show to arrive at a conversion rate. High conversion rate of that content is the customer would like to see.

Create multiple mailing lists for best results
With only a single mailing list to attract customers than to create a number of different mailing lists, so that customers can choose to subscribe to the news they are interested in the letter. In general, the different mailing lists, including information like news letters, discounts or promotional items for the general type of mail. Of course, due to the different products or services, there will be many other types of news letter. You can brand, location, type of news, and other factors to create a targeted mailing list.

Provide multiple mailing lists for users to choose the benefits is that you can ensure that users receive all the information they want to see. Everything pros and cons. In this case, you need to create a variety of message content, and your list will also be more difficult to manage and track, you also difficult to calculate its return on investment. Therefore, the amount of available resources and e-mail marketing (Email Marketing Software) your entire marketing plan in the share of weight, you decide in the end to create a list of several key factors.

Also, keep in mind: If you provide customers with a number of mailing lists, according to the "anti-spam law" requirement, you must ensure that customers can unsubscribe from all of your messages, not just a list.

If the customers subscribe to this type of information is the news letter, I can send a direct marketing-type messages to them?
In the email marketing software, we often fall into such a dilemma: when the user just want to receive some information like email, but simply do not want to accept when forced to sell, how can we do? Although the product discounts, promotions and exclusive product is the main reason people subscribe to news letter, but people actually prefer to receive information like e-mail. In this case, the assessment of the value of email marketing, we suggest that you keep in mind the following points:

Reserved values: in the previous article, we introduced the customer life cycle and how to extend the customer life cycle through the mail. Although direct mail to get in return is important, but this type of information will bring you a message but a lot of potential value. Even if the customer does not buy your product mentioned in the message, but your brand and product names may impress customers. E-mail marketing can help you develop relationships with customers, when customers want to purchase products when they first thought should be your product. Therefore, in assessing the e-mail marketing in the role of the marketing plan, be sure to take into account the value of the message reserved.

Context of marketing: In fact, this type of information can bring you e-mail sales, the problem is you need to invest time and effort to create a persuasive message content. In this type of message information, timely reference to some products and product links, if done right, then this effect is sometimes directly in the message than to promote their products better. Only when customers feel that your product is very valuable, he will buy. Situation is a completely independent marketing courses. So, do not underestimate the value it can bring you.

To those who want to receive information like e-mail to promote their products directly to customers, the consequences are really serious?

The answer is simple, is not serious. Typically, users prefer discounts or marketing messages on a regular basis, sometimes positive response. The key is how to limit the number of times to send such messages, and how to ensure your information is sent by the preferential interest to customers or users. If you frequently sell products directly to customers, often just send message to the Mail, it is too far. However, the client sends a monthly e-mail containing special offers, will win a lot of customers.

Difficult to determine which type of customer in the end prefer e-mail. You need to constantly test and listen to the customer suggestions and careful analysis of test results to pick out the best of. However, most companies will find valuable message content and forced to sell the product in balance, tend to get the best results.
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